Thursday, August 21, 2008

Map Tracker Activity


SS8G1 The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.

a. Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and hemisphere.

b. Describe the five physiographic (physical) regions of Georgia; include the Appalachian Plateau, Ridge and Valley, Blue Ridge, Piedmont, and Coastal Plain.

c. Locate and evaluate the importance of key physical features on the development of Georgia; include the Fall Line, Appalachian Mountains, Chattahoochee and Savannah Rivers, and barrier Islands.

d. Evaluate the impact of climate on Georgia's development.

Essential Question:

What are the significant physiographic regions of Georgia and how have they affected Georgia's development?

Warm Up:

Which states boarder Georgia?

A: Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina, and South Carolina.

Today in Class:

Students worked in pairs today to answer a series of 14 questions. Students used a variety of maps at different stations in the room to answer these questions.

Map tracker Activity:

Read this document on Scribd: Map Tracking Activity


Cover textbook.

Long term Assignments:

Cover textbooks by Friday August 22.Geography
Quiz Tuesday August 26.

Today in Georgia History:

August 21, 1739 James Oglethorpe and Creek chiefs signed the Treaty of Coweta Town at Coweta on the Chattahoochee River. The treaty confirmed--but more clearly defined--the Creeks' earlier 1733 treaty identifying areas open to British settlement.

Link-O the day:

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