Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Unit 2 Vocabulary Check - Cornell notes page 110 - 113.

The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s history.
a. Explain the importance of James Oglethorpe, the Charter of 1732, reasons for settlement (charity, economics, and defense), Tomochichi, Mary Musgrove, and the city of Savannah.
b. Evaluate the Trustee Period of Georgia’s colonial history, emphasizing the role of the Salzburgers, Highland Scots, malcontents, and the Spanish threat from Florida.
c. Explain the development of Georgia as a royal colony with regard to land ownership, slavery, government, and the impact of the royal governors.

Essential Question(s):
How did life change for the Mississippian Indians (Cherokee and Creek) after the arrival of the Europeans?

Why did Europeans explore, claim and settle the North American continent?

Warm Up:
Which two European countries were fighting over the riches found in the Americas in the late 1500's?

A: England and Spain.

Today in Class:
Students were given time to work on Cornell notes on pages 110 - 113 in the textbook. I will check the Unit 2 Vocabulary for periods today.

Our Textbook:

All periods finish the Unit 2 Vocabulary and Cornell Notes on pages 104 - 109. The Vocabulary will be checked tomorrow.
Study for the Unit 2 vocab Quiz that will be given on Friday.

Study Guide Sheet for Tuesday Unit 2 Vocab / study guide:

Long term Assignments:
Unit 2 Vocabulary Quiz Friday September 26.

Today in Georgia History:
September 24, 1735 In London, the Trustees designated James Oglethorpe as Commissioner of Indian Affairs with sole power to grant licenses to trade with the Indians. The Trustees also named Charles Wesley as Secretary of Indian Affairs.

Link-O the day:

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