Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Investigation into the Colonization of Georgia

SS8H2 The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s history.
a. Explain the importance of James Oglethorpe, the Charter of 1732, reasons for settlement (charity, economics, and defense), Tomochichi, Mary Musgrove, and the city of Savannah.
b. Evaluate the Trustee Period of Georgia’s colonial history, emphasizing the role of the Salzburgers, Highland Scots, malcontents, and the Spanish threat from Florida.
c. Explain the development of Georgia as a royal colony with regard to land ownership, slavery, government, and the impact of the royal governors.
SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures in Georgia.
c. Explain reasons for European exploration and settlement of North America, with emphasis on the interests of the French, Spanish, and British in the southeastern area.

Essential Question(s):
How did life change for the Mississippian Indians (Cherokee and Creek) after the arrival of the Europeans?
Why did Europeans explore, claim and settle the North American continent?

Warm Up:
What king granted the charter for Georgia?
A: King George II.

Today in Class:
Students worked in groups of three (triads) to answer questions concerning the founding of the colony of Georgia. They acting on behalf of King George II. They present the answers to his Majesty King George II via power point.

Full Power Point Ch. 4:

Our Textbook:

Our text book in Audio Format:

Textbook password: ga11hist

Trackstar site for Colonial investigation links:

Finish the investigations from class today if you did not finish them in class. Use Ch. 4 Section 3 and 4 to answer them.
Study / Review your notes to date.

Long term Assignments:

Unit 2 Test October 9th.

Today in Georgia History:
October 1,

Link-O the Day:

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