Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Review for the Unit 4 Foundations of Governemnt Test

SS8CG1 The student will describe the role of citizens under Georgia’s constitution.
a. Explain the basic structure of the Georgia state constitution.
b. Explain the concepts of separation of powers and checks and balances.
c. Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizens.
d. Explain voting requirements and elections in Georgia.
e. Explain the role of political parties in government.

SS8H12 The student will explain the importance of significant social, economic, and political developments in Georgia since 1970.
a. Evaluate the consequences of the end of the county unit system and reapportionment.

Essential Question (s):
How does the Georgia Constitution provide the framework for the rights and responsibilities of citizens and government? (CG1)
How does the structure of Georgia’s government ensure that its citizens are fairly represented? (H12a, CG1c)
How do political parties serve the purposes of voters with different opinions?(12c, CG1e)

Warm up:
What does the phrase "one-person,one-vote" mean?
A: That everyone's vote is equal (weighed the same).

Today in Class:
Today we reviewed in preparation for tomorrow's test. Below you will find a link to the Unit 4 Study Guide / Review Sheet.

Unit 4 Review Sheet

Unit 4 Review Sheet Answers

Constitution of the State of Georgia:

Full Power Point Ch. 14:

Our Textbook:

Our text book in Audio Format:

Textbook password:

Get progress reports signed they are due Thursday.
Study for (Tomorrow's) Thursday's test.

Long term Assignments:
Unit 4 Test Thursday November 20th.

Today in Georgia History:
November 19, 1973 The speed limit on Georgia highways dropped to 55 miles per hour, and Sunday gas sales were eliminated, as President Nixon issued energy-saving rules to cope with the Arab oil embargo of the United States.

Link-O the Day:

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